
Privacy Policy

 株式会社テレビ朝日(以下「テレビ朝日」といいます。)及び新日本プロレスリング株式会社(以下「新日本プロレスリング」といいます。なお、テレビ朝日及び新日本プロレスリングを合わせて以下「2社」といいます。)は、ウェブサイト「NJPW WORLD」(以下「本ウェブサイト」といいます。)上で提供するサービス(以下「本サービス」といいます。)における、利用者についての個人情報(「個人情報の保護に関する法律」(平成15年法律第57号。以下「個人情報保護法」といいます。)第2条第1項に定義するものをいいます。)を含む個人に関する情報の取扱いについて、以下のとおりプライバシーポリシー(以下「本プライバシーポリシー」といいます。)を定めます。2社は、本プライバシーポリシーのほか、個人情報保護法その他の関連法令を遵守し、個人情報の適切な取扱いに努めます。



1. 2社は、本サービスにおいて、利用者から以下の情報を取得します。

(1) 端末の情報(機種情報、個体識別情報、ブラウザの種類及びバージョン、OSの種類及びバージョン、使用言語、場所、広告識別子など)

(2) ログ情報(IPアドレス、ドメイン名など)

(3) 本ウェブサイトの閲覧履歴、検索履歴等の行動履歴

(4) 利用者からのお問い合わせに関する情報

(5) 利用者が本ウェブサイトにおいて任意に入力する情報

2. 2社は、会員から、前項各号の情報に加えて、以下の情報を取得します。




1. 本ウェブサイトでは、前条第1項第3号の情報を取得するために、クッキー(Cookie)及びウェブ・ビーコン(Web beacon)と呼ばれる仕組みを使用しています。クッキーとは、サーバー側でサイトの利用者を識別するために、サーバーからサイトの利用者のブラウザに送信され、当該利用者のコンピュータに蓄積される情報です。2社が本ウェブサイトで使用するクッキーには、特定の個人を識別することができる情報は含まれません。また、ウェブ・ビーコンとは、ユーザーのコンピュータに蓄積されるクッキーとは対照的に、ウェブサイトには目に見えない形で埋め込まれています。

2. ブラウザの設定により、クッキーの機能を無効にすることもできますが、その結果本ウェブサイト上のサービスの全部又は一部がご利用いただけなくなることがあります。




(1) 本人確認、利用料金の決済など、本サービスの提供、維持、保護及び改善のため

(2) 本サービスに関するご案内、お問い合わせへの対応のため

(3) 本サービスに関する2社の規約等に違反する行為に対する対応のため

(4) 本サービスに関する2社の規約等の変更、キャンペーンの実施などを通知するため

(5) 利用者及び会員の本ウェブサイトの利用状況を統計的に分析するため

(6) 利用者及び会員に対して本ウェブサイト内のコンテンツを紹介するため

(7) 利用者及び会員に対して適切な広告を表示するため

(8) 不正利用に対処するため















1. 2社は、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内で、第1条に定める情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を第三者に委託する場合があります。

2. 2社は、個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合は、委託先と機密保持を含む契約の締結、または、2社が定める約款に合意を求め、委託先において個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。



 2社は、本ウェブサイトにおける決済手続を、決済代行会社(PayPal決済の場合はPayPal Pte. Ltd.、キャリア決済および国内でのクレジットカード決済の場合はSBペイメントサービス株式会社、国外でのクレジットカード決済の場合はStripe, Inc.)に委託しています。また、本ウェブサイトでご入力いただくクレジットカード番号、有効期限等のクレジットカード情報等の決済情報は、Brightcove, Inc.を通じて、決済代行会社に直接送信され、2社は会員のクレジットカード情報等の決済情報を保持いたしません。



1. 2社は、以下に定める場合を除き、ご本人の同意なしに、第1条に定める情報を第三者に提供することはありません。





2. PayPal決済を利用される場合は、PayPal決済を行うため及びPayPal Pte. Ltd.からの不正利用等の調査に対して回答するために必要となる第1条に定める情報を、シンガポール共和国に所在するPayPal Pte. Ltd.に提供いたします。シンガポール共和国はAPECにおける越境プライバシールールシステムであるCBPRシステムの参加国です。同国の個人情報保護制度に関する情報は、こちらをご確認ください。PayPal Pte. Ltd.が講じている個人情報保護措置については、こちらをご確認ください。






 2社では、合理的な技術的方策を採ることにより、個人情報の紛失、改ざん、漏洩などのないよう努めております。また、個人情報を扱う社員に対して、教育啓蒙活動を実施し、個人情報の安全管理を義務づけています。インターネットで送信される会員の個人情報は、SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)と呼ばれる暗号化技術により保護しております。


第10条(Google Analyticsの利用)

 2社は、利用者による本ウェブサイトへのアクセス状況を分析するため、Google LLCが提供するGoogle Analyticsというサービスを利用しています。Google Analyticsの利用により、Google LLCによって、2社が発行するクッキーをもとに利用者の本ウェブサイトへのアクセス履歴が収集及び分析され、その分析結果が2社に提供されます。ただし、Google Analytics の利用によりGoogle LLCが取得する情報には、特定の個人を識別することができる情報は含まれません。また、Google LLCが取得した情報は、Google LLCのプライバシーポリシーに基づいてGoogle LLCにより管理されます。なお、Google Analytics の利用によるGoogle LLCによる情報の取得を停止されたい場合は、以下のリンク先に記載の手順に従い、Google Analyticsの利用を拒否する手続(オプトアウト)をして下さい。また、Google LLCのプライバシーポリシー及びGoogle Analyticsの利用規約に関する説明については、以下のリンク先をご覧下さい。



Google のプライバシーポリシー:













1. 本プライバシーポリシーの内容は、法令その他本プライバシーポリシーに別段の定めがある事項を除いて、ユーザーに通知することなく、変更することができるものとします。

2. 2社が別途定める場合を除いて、変更後のプライバシーポリシーは、本ウェブサイトに掲載した時から効力を生じるものとします。






2023年11月9日 制定

We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about our policy, or our practices with regards to your personal information, please contact us.

This Privacy Policy governs the privacy policies and practices of our website and streaming services “NJPW WORLD”, operated by TV Asahi Corporation and New Japan Pro-Wrestling Co., Ltd. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully as it will help you make informed decisions about sharing your personal information with us.

TV Asahi Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "TV Asahi") and New Japan Pro-Wrestling Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "New Japan Pro-Wrestling" and together with TV Asahi, hereinafter referred to as the "two companies", “we”, “us”, “our”) operate and provide the video streaming service "NJPW WORLD." In the service provided on "NJPW WORLD" (hereinafter referred to as "this service"), the handling of personal information about users, including personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (Law No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act") is as stated in this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this privacy policy"). The two companies will comply with this privacy policy, the Personal Information Protection Act, and other related laws and regulations, and strive for the appropriate handling of personal information.


Article 1 (Information Acquisition)

1) The two companies acquire the following information from users in this service:

i) Device information (model information, individual identification information, type and version of the browser, type and version of the OS, language used, location, advertising identifier, etc.)

ii) Log information (IP address, domain name, etc.)

iii) Browsing history, search history, and other behavioral histories in this service.

iv) Information related to inquiries from users.

v) Information that users voluntarily enter in this service.

2) The two companies acquire the following information from members, in addition to the information listed in the preceding paragraph:

i) Information acquired during member registration (nickname, gender, email address, date of birth, payment information including credit card details used for payment, etc.)

Article 2 (Use of Cookies and Web Beacons)

1) In this service, to acquire the information mentioned in Article 1, Paragraph 1, Item 3, we use mechanisms known as cookies and web beacons. A cookie is information that is sent from the server to the user's browser to identify the user of the site on the server-side and is stored on the user's computer. The cookies used in this service by the two companies do not contain information that can identify a specific individual. Web beacons, in contrast to cookies stored on a user's computer, are embedded in web pages in a way that is not visible to the eye.

2) Depending on the browser settings, viewers can disable the cookie function, but as a result, all or part of the services on this service may become unavailable.


Article 3 (Purpose of Use)

The two companies use the information acquired from users and members based on Article 1 for the following purposes:

1) For identity verification, payment of usage fees, and the provision, maintenance, protection, and improvement of this service.

2) For providing information about this service and responding to inquiries.

3) To address violations of the terms and conditions related to this service set by the two companies.

4) To notify changes in the terms and conditions set by the two companies related to this service, and to announce campaigns.

5) To statistically analyze the usage status of this service by users and members.

6) To introduce content within this service to users and members.

7) To display appropriate advertisements to users and members.

8) To address unauthorized use.

Note: In conducting the above uses, we may analyze browsing history, search history, and other behavioral histories related to this service.


Article 4 (Joint Use)

The two companies jointly use the information stipulated in Article 1 as follows:

1) Joint Users: TV Asahi and New Japan Pro-Wrestling.

2) Information for Joint Use: The same as the information described in Article 1.

3) Purpose of Use: The same as the purposes described in Article 3.

4) Manager Responsible for Joint Use: TV Asahi.


Article 5 (Outsourcing)

Within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, the two companies may entrust the handling of all or part of the information stipulated in Article 1 to a third party.

When the two companies entrust the handling of all or part of personal information, they will conclude a contract with the entrusted party, which includes confidentiality, or seek agreement on terms stipulated by the two companies, and provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure the safe management of personal information by the entrusted party.


Article 6 (Regarding Entrustment to Payment Service Companies)

The two companies have entrusted payment procedures in this service to payment service companies (for PayPal payments, to PayPal Pte. Ltd.; for carrier payments and domestic credit card payments, to SB Payment Service Corporation; and for overseas credit card payments, to Stripe, Inc.). Additionally, payment information, such as credit card numbers and expiration dates entered in this service, is sent directly to the payment service company via Brightcove, Inc. The two companies do not retain members' credit card information or other payment information.


Article 7 (Provision to Third Parties)

1) The two companies will not provide the information specified in Article 1 to third parties without the individual's consent, except in the following cases:

i) Cases stipulated in the preceding two articles.

ii) When providing to a payment company or a payment agency is necessary for payment procedures.

iii) When an inquiry from a payment company or payment agency arises for the purpose of investigating unauthorized use, etc.

iv) When based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law or other relevant laws.

2) If you opt for PayPal as a payment method, the information detailed in Article 1, which is required for executing a PayPal payment and for responding to unauthorized use investigations initiated by PayPal Pte. Ltd., will be shared with PayPal Pte. Ltd., located in the Republic of Singapore. The Republic of Singapore is a participant in the Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) system under APEC. For information on the personal data protection system in Singapore, please refer to this information. For details about the personal information protection measures adopted by PayPal Pte. Ltd., you can review the privacy policy here.


Article 8 (Links to External Sites)

This service may contain links to external sites. However, our privacy policy does not apply to those external linked sites. For the handling of personal information on external sites, please refer to their respective privacy policies.


Article 9 (About Security)

The two companies take reasonable technical measures to prevent the loss, alteration, and leakage of personal information. Additionally, we provide educational activities to employees who handle personal information, making it their responsibility to ensure its safe management. Personal information transmitted over the internet by members is protected by encryption technology called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).


Article 10 (Use of Google Analytics)

The two companies use a service called Google Analytics provided by Google LLC to analyze the access status of users to this service. Through the use of Google Analytics, based on cookies issued by the two companies, the user's access history to this service is collected and analyzed by Google LLC, and the analysis results are provided to the two companies. However, the information obtained by Google LLC through the use of Google Analytics does not include any information that can identify specific individuals. Moreover, the information acquired by Google LLC is managed by Google LLC based on their privacy policy. If you wish to stop the acquisition of information by Google LLC through the use of Google Analytics, please follow the procedures described in the link below to refuse (opt-out of) the use of Google Analytics. For explanations regarding Google LLC's privacy policy and the terms of use of Google Analytics, please see the links provided below.



Google's Privacy Policy:


 Use of information collected from sites or apps using Google services by Google:



Article 11 (Push Notifications)

We may send push notifications via the web or applications. These notifications may be sent for content updates or other important service-related notifications. Even if you receive these types of communications, you can opt out at any time by turning them off at the device level in the settings.


Article 12 (Policy Concerning Children by the Two Companies)

The two companies do not intentionally collect or solicit personal information from users under 13 years of age. If you are under 13, please do not send personal information such as your name or email address to the two companies. Users under 13 are not allowed to provide personal information. If we determine that we have collected personal information from a user under 13, we will delete that information as soon as possible. If you believe we might have information from or about a child under 13, please contact us at the following address:

Support Center


Article 13 (Changes)

The contents of this privacy policy can be changed without notifying users, unless there are specific provisions in this privacy policy or other laws.

Except as otherwise provided by the two companies, the amended privacy policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this service.


Article 14 (Inquiry Window)

For notifications of the purpose of use of information as set forth in Article 1, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension or deletion of use, suspension of provision to third parties, and procedures for disclosure of third-party provision records, as well as complaints and other inquiries, please contact the address below:

Support Center



Exhibit A

Information Regarding Your Data Protection Rights Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, we are a Data Controller of your personal information.

When you use our streaming service, we may collect:

· Basic account information: Name, email, password.

· Payment details for subscription purposes.

· Watching history and preferences to provide recommendations.

· Device information and location data for regional content tailoring.

If you are from the European Economic Area (EEA), our legal basis for collecting and using your personal information, as described in this Privacy Policy, depends on the information we collect and the specific context in which we collect it. We may process your personal information because:

· You have registered for an account and provided consent during the sign-up process.

· It's necessary to provide and tailor content recommendations to your viewing habits.

· To provide customer support and ensure a seamless viewing experience.

· For billing, account management, and other administrative matters.

· For the regular exercise of rights in a judicial, administrative, or arbitration procedure.

· To protect the safety and security of our users.

· To fulfill a legal or regulatory obligation.

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), you have certain data protection rights. In certain circumstances, you have the following data protection rights:

· The right to access, update or delete the personal information we have on you

· The right of rectification

· The right to object

· The right of restriction

· The right to data portability

· The right to withdraw consent

Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests.

You have the right to complain to a Data Protection Authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority in the European Economic Area (EEA).

If you have any questions about our Privacy Practices or this Policy, please contact us at newjapanworld@njpwworld.zendesk.com


Exhibit B 

Information Regarding Your Data Protection Rights Under the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, we are a Data Controller of your personal information.

When you use our streaming service, we may collect:

· Basic account information: Name, email, password.

· Payment details for subscription purposes.

· Watching history and preferences to provide recommendations.

· Device information and location data for regional content tailoring.

If you are a resident of California, our legal basis for collecting and using your personal information, as described in this Privacy Policy, depends on the information we collect and the specific context in which we collect it. We may process your personal information because:

· You have registered for an account and provided consent during the sign-up process.

· It's necessary to provide and tailor content recommendations to your viewing habits.

· To provide customer support and ensure a seamless viewing experience.

· For billing, account management, and other administrative matters.

· For the regular exercise of rights in a judicial, administrative, or arbitration procedure.

· To protect the safety and security of our users.

· To fulfill a legal or regulatory obligation.

If you are a resident of California, you have certain data protection rights under the CPRA. In certain circumstances, you have the following data protection rights:

· The right to know about the personal information a business collects about them and how it is used and shared.

· The right to delete personal information collected from them.

· The right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information.

· The right to non-discrimination for exercising their CPRA rights.

Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests.

You have the right to complain to a relevant authority about our collection and use of your personal information under the CPRA. For more information, please contact the Office of the California Attorney General.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Practices or this Policy, please contact us at newjapanworld@njpwworld.zendesk.com


Exhibit C

Information Regarding Your Data Protection Rights Under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD)

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD), we are a Data Controller of your personal information.

When you use our streaming service, we may collect:

· Basic account information: Name, email, password.

· Payment details for subscription purposes.

· Watching history and preferences to provide recommendations.

· Device information and location data for regional content tailoring.

If you are a resident of Brazil, our legal basis for collecting and using your personal information, as described in this Privacy Policy, depends on the information we collect and the specific context in which we collect it. We may process your personal information because:

· You have registered for an account and provided consent during the sign-up process.

· It's necessary to provide and tailor content recommendations to your viewing habits.

· To provide customer support and ensure a seamless viewing experience.

· For billing, account management, and other administrative matters.

· For the regular exercise of rights in a judicial, administrative, or arbitration procedure.

· To protect the safety and security of our users.

· To fulfill a legal or regulatory obligation.

If you are a resident of Brazil, under the LGPD, you have specific data protection rights. In certain circumstances, you have the following data protection rights:

· The right to access, update, or correct your personal information.

· The right to request the anonymization, blocking, or deletion of unnecessary or excessive data, or data not being processed in compliance with the LGPD.

· The right to the portability of data to another service or product provider, by means of an express request.

· The right to delete personal data processed with the consent of the data subject.

· The right to information about the possibility of denying consent and the consequences of such denial.

· The right to revoke consent.

Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests.

You have the right to obtain information about any shared data, indicating what entities we might have shared your personal data with.

You have the right to complain to the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact the ANPD in Brazil.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Practices or this Policy, please contact us at newjapanworld@njpwworld.zendesk.com


Revised November 9, 2023
