
Terms and Conditions


 本利用規約(以下「本規約」といいます。)には、株式会社テレビ朝日(以下「テレビ朝日」といいます。)及び新日本プロレスリング株式会社(以下「新日本プロレスリング」といいます。なお、テレビ朝日及び新日本プロレスリングを合わせて以下「2社」といいます。)が運営・提供する動画配信サービス「NJPW WORLD」(以下「本サービス」といいます。)の利用条件が定められています。


視聴されるコンテンツごとに、支払い手段を選択して視聴料金をお支払いいただくことによりインターネット経由でストリーミング配信するサービスをいいます。購入価格や視聴期間等の視聴条件は、コンテンツごとに異なります。利用者は、コンテンツを購入する前に、これらの条件を確認いただき、コンテンツに応じた料金をNJPW WORLDのウェブサイトから支払うものとします。本規約に同意いただけない場合は、PPVの購入を控えてください。


1. 本規約は、本サービスの利用条件を定めることを目的とし、利用者すべてに適用されます。 
2. 2社は、利用者の一般の利益に適合する場合、又は本規約の目的、変更の必要性、変更後の内容の相当性等を考慮して、合理的に必要かつ相当と判断した場合には、本規約を任意に変更することができます。2社は、本規約を変更する場合には、当該変更内容及び変更の効力発生日をNJPW WORLDのウェブサイトに掲載することにより、利用者に周知するものとします。なお、かかる周知の日以後、効力発生日より前にアカウントの登録をされた会員は、即時に、かかる周知の日以前からアカウントの登録をされた会員につきましては、効力発生日以後初めてご利用される時に、変更後の本規約が適用されます。




1. 月額見放題プランの契約又はPPVの購入を希望する者は、本規約に同意のうえ、2社の定める一定のアカウント情報を2社の定める方法で2社に提供することにより、2社に対し、月額見放題プランの契約又はPPVの購入を申し込むものとします。
2. 2社が月額見放題プランの契約又はPPVの購入の申込みを承諾した旨を会員に通知した時点で、契約又は購入が成立するものとし、会員は月額見放題プラン又はPPVを利用できるようになります。
3. 2社は、会員が、以下の各号のいずれかの事由に該当する場合は、月額見放題プランの契約又はPPVの購入を拒否することがあります。




1. 会員は、アカウントを善良なる管理者の注意義務をもって使用及び管理するものとし、これを第三者に利用させ、又は貸与、譲渡、名義変更、売買等をしてはならないものとします。
2. 2社は、アカウントの第三者による不正使用等について、その責任を一切負わないものとします。また、会員は、アカウントの第三者による不正使用等により発生した月額見放題プランおよびPPVの料金についても、その全額を支払うものとします。ただし、2社の責めに帰すべき事由があるときはこの限りではありません。


1. 会員は、2社が別途定める動作環境で月額見放題プラン又はPPVを利用するために必要となるデバイスの調達や高速インターネット回線契約の締結、アプリケーションのインストール等の準備を、自己の費用と責任において行うものとします。
2. 本サービスで提供される一定のコンテンツは、対象地域内の一部の国又は地域ではご利用いただけない場合があります。地域による制限は、利用者がサービスにアクセスする場所に応じて適用されます。2社は、利用者の所在地を確認するために様々な技術や方法を利用することがあります


1. 会員は、2社が別途定める支払方法に従い、所定の月額見放題プランの契約料金又はPPVの視聴料金を支払うものとします。
2. 一度支払われた月額見放題プランの契約料金又はPPVの視聴料金は、本規約に別段の定めがない限り、返金されません。
3. 2社は、本サービスにおける月額見放題プランで提供されている機能について、過度に高額にならない範囲で任意に価格を変更することができるものとします。2社は、原則としてこれらの変更の30日前までに利用者に通知します。


1. 月額見放題プランは、解約をしない限り自動的に継続され、利用者が利用申込の際に指定された決済手段により所定の月額料金の決済が発生いたします。
2. 自動継続される場合、契約料金は協定世界時を基準として契約申込日の30日後より順次決済処理が実行されます。その後も解約をしない限り30日ごとに自動的に契約期間が更新され、決済処理が実行されます。
3. 与信エラー等のお客様都合のエラーやシステム都合のエラーで決済処理できなかった場合は、再度、決済処理が日本時間を基準として7日間、毎日繰り返し実行されます。再度の決済処理で決済処理が正常に完了した場合、完了した日が新たな契約申込日となります。
4. 第三者(Apple、Google、Amazon、Rokuなどのアプリ)を通じて月額見放題プランに加入した場合については、各社が定める請求時期ごとに請求されます。


1. 2社は、以下のいずれかに該当する場合には、事前に利用者に通知をせずに、月額見放題プラン又はPPVの提供を停止することができるものとします。
2. 2社は、定期的なシステムメンテナンスを行うため、事前にNJPW WORLDのウェブサイト上で告知のうえ、システムの全部又は一部を停止することがあります。
3. 前二項の理由により月額見放題プラン又はPPVの提供が停止しても、それに基づき会員に発生した損害に対して、本規約で特に定める場合を除き、2社は一切責任を負いません。






(5) 本サービスのシステム等に過度な負荷をかける行為
(6) 本サービスの運営を妨害するおそれのある行為
(7) 本サービスに不正にアクセスし、又は不正なアクセスを試みる行為
(8) 本サービスの他の利用者の情報を収集する行為
(9) 2社、本サービスの利用者又はその他の第三者に不利益、損害、不快感を与える行為


1. 会員は、いつでも2社が別途定める方法により月額見放題プランを解約することができます。2社以外の第三者(Apple、Google、Amazon、Rokuなどのアプリ) を通じて月額見放題プランに加入した場合の解約方法については、サポートセンターにてご確認ください。
2. 解約は、会員の現行の契約期間の終了時において効力を発するものとし、当該時点までは会員は引き続き月額見放題プランを利用することができます。契約期間の途中で解約があった場合においても、2社は、残りの契約期間について料金の返金又は減額を行うことはありません。
3. 解約にあたり、会員が2社に対して負っている債務がある場合は、会員は、2社に対して負っている債務の一切について当然に期限の利益を失い、直ちに2社に対して全ての債務を支払わなければなりません。


1. 会員は、いつでも2社が別途定める方法によりアカウントを削除することができます。
2. アカウントの削除が完了した時点で、月額見放題プランおよびPPVは利用できなくなります。
3. アカウントの削除をしても、月額見放題プランは解約にはなりません。会員はアカウントを削除する前に、加入方法に応じた解約手続きを行う必要があります。会員はアカウントを削除した場合、ウェブサイトからの解約手続きができなくなります。各加入方法に応じた解約方法については、サポートセンターにてご確認ください。






1. 会員は、2社の書面による事前の承諾なく、本規約上の地位、本規約に基づく権利若しくは義務につき、第三者に対し、譲渡、移転、担保設定、その他の処分をすることはできません。
2. 2社は、本サービスにかかる事業を他社に譲渡した場合には、当該事業譲渡に伴い本規約上の地位、本規約に基づく権利及び義務並びに会員の登録情報を当該事業譲渡の譲受人に譲渡することができるものとし、会員は、かかる譲渡につき本項において予め同意したものとします。なお、本項に定める事業譲渡には、会社分割その他事業が移転するあらゆる場合を含むものとします。


1. 2社は、月額見放題プラン又はPPVが会員の特定の目的に適合すること、会員が期待する機能、性質、有用性を有すること及び不具合が生じないことについて、何ら保証するものではありません。
2. 2社は、2社による月額見放題プラン又はPPVの内容の変更、提供の停止又は終了、会員登録の解除、利用不能、月額見放題プラン又はPPVの利用による会員が使用する機器の故障若しくは損傷、その他月額見放題プラン又はPPVの利用によって会員が被った損害(以下「会員損害」といいます。)につき、賠償する責任を一切負わないものとします。
3. 本条又はその他の免責規定にかかわらず、法令等の適用により2社が会員に対して債務不履行又は不法行為に基づく賠償責任を負う場合であっても、2社は、会員損害につき、過去3箇月間に会員が2社に支払った月額見放題プランの加入料金又はPPVの視聴料金の金額を超えて賠償する責任を負わないものとし、また、付随的損害、間接損害、特別損害、将来の損害及び逸失利益にかかる損害については、賠償する責任を負わないものとします。
4. 本サービスに関連して会員と他の会員又は第三者との間において生じた取引、連絡、紛争等については、2社は一切責任を負いません。
5. 前三項の規定は、2社に故意又は重過失がある場合には、適用しないものとします。




1. 本規約の準拠法は、日本法とします。
2. 本アプリに関して2社と会員等との間で生じた紛争については、東京簡易裁判所又は東京地方裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。

2023年11月9日 制定

NJPW WORLD特定商取引法に基づく表示

1 事業者の名称 


2 運営責任者 

株式会社テレビ朝日 藤本 幸子

3 所在地 

〒106-8001 東京都港区六本木六丁目9番1号 
電話番号 03-6823-6290(新日本プロレスリング株式会社)

4 連絡先 


5 利用料金 

■ 日本国内からのお支払いの場合
【クレジットカード、デビットカード、PayPal、d払い、auかんたん決済(au / UQ mobile)、ソフトバンクまとめて支払い・ワイモバイルまとめて支払い】 
¥1,298 JPY (税込) 
【App Store、Google Play Store、Amazonアプリ内決済】 
¥1,500 JPY (税込) 

■ 日本国外からのお支払いの場合
$9.99 USD 
【App Store、Google Play Store、Amazonアプリ内決済、Roku Pay】 
$9.99 USDを基準として為替レートに応じた各国通貨でのお支払い 

※App Store、Google Play Store、Amazonアプリ内決済及びRoku PayではPPVのお支払いはできません 

6 利用料金以外の必要料金 


7 支払方法 

クレジットカード(Visa, Mastercard, JCB, American Express, Diners)、一部のデビットカード、PayPal、d払い、auかんたん決済(au / UQ mobile)、ソフトバンクまとめて支払い・ワイモバイルまとめて支払い、App Store、Google Play Store、Amazonアプリ内決済、Roku Payとなります。 

8 請求時期   

(1)月額見放題プラン 利用料は契約開始日に応じた暦上の日(契約申込日を含みます)から30日ごとに請求いたします。 第三者(Apple、Google、Amazon、Rokuなどのアプリ)を通じて月額見放題プランに加入した場合については、各社が定める請求時期ごとに請求されます。 
(2)PPV 商品ご購入時に請求いたします。 

9 支払時期 


10 提供時期 

所定の手続き終了後、直ちにご利用いただけます。 なお、商品又はコンテンツによっては視聴期間又は視聴期限が設けられている場合があります。その場合は、当該視聴期間又は視聴期限内のみご利用可能です 

11 推奨環境 


12 返品、キャンセル 


2023年11月9日 制定

NJPW WORLD Terms of Use

This Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Terms of Use”) set forth the terms and conditions of use for NJPW WORLD video streaming services (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) operated and provided by TV Asahi Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “TV Asahi”) and New Japan Pro-Wrestling Incorporated, (hereinafter referred to as “NJPW”). TV Asahi and NJPW shall be jointly referred to as “Two Companies.” Any terms not specified in the body text of this Agreement are defined in Article 1. By using the Video Service, the user shall be bound to and agree to abide by the terms and condition of this Agreement. If the user does not consent to these terms and conditions, please shall refrain from using the Video Service.

Article 1 (Definitions)

For purposes of this Terms of Use, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
1.1 User
Any person who uses Services under this Terms of Use.

1.2. Monthly Pass
An online streaming Service provided by Two Companies via the Internet for a set monthly fee (hereinafter referred to as “Subscription”) which provides streaming access to multiple videos and content associated with New Japan Pro-Wrestling (hereinafter referred to as “Content/s”).

1.3. PPV
A streaming service via the Internet in which the User selects a payment method and pays a viewing fee for individual specified Content to be viewed. Viewing conditions, such as purchase price and viewing period, vary for each Content. The User shall confirm to have read and understood and agree to these Terms of Use before purchasing Content and will pay the appropriate fee for the Content via the NJPW WORLD website. If you do not agree to Terms of Use, please refrain from purchasing PPV.

1.4. Account
Refers to the personal information registered to the Service by the User and an e-mail address or related identifiers, issued by Two Companies, to identify the User. The User must register an Account to subscribe to the Monthly Pass or purchase a PPV.

1.5. Member/s
The User to which the Account is registered.

Article 2. (Scope of Application and Modification)

2.1. The purpose of this Terms of Use is to set forth the terms and conditions of use of the Service and applies to all Users.

2.2. Terms of Use may be amended at any time if the Two Companies deems it to be in the general interest of the User or reasonably necessary and appropriate given due consideration to the purpose of the Terms of Use, the necessity for amendment, and the suitability of the amended contents. In the event of any amendment to the Terms of Use, Two Companies will notify Users by displaying details and the effective date of the amended content on the NJPW WORLD website. Any Member who registers an Account on or after the notification date and before the effective date will be subject to the amended Terms of Use immediately. Any Member who registers an Account before the notification date will be subject to the amended Terms of Use upon their first use of the Service on or after the effective date.

Article 3 (Member Eligibility)

Member registration is restricted to persons 13 years or older. By accessing, using and/or providing information through the Service, you, the User, declares that you are not under the age of 13 years.

Article 4 (Member Contract)

4.1. Any person who wishes to subscribe to a Monthly Pass or purchase PPV shall agree to the Terms of Use and apply to the Two Companies for a Monthly Pass contract or PPV purchase by providing Account information stipulated by Two Companies according to the method stipulated by Two Companies.

4.2. The Subscription contract or purchase is deemed to be effective, and the content available for use by the User, from the time of notification to the Member that Two Companies have approved the application for the Monthly Pass or the purchase of PPV.

4.3. Two Companies may refuse to accept a subscription to a Monthly Pass or purchase of a PPV, if any of the following circumstances apply to the Member:
1) If all or part of the account information provided to Two Companies is falsified, erroneous, misleading, or omitted.
2) The applicant is a minor and has not obtained the consent of a legal representative.
3) The applicant is deemed to be member of antisocial forces (meaning organized crime groups, organized crime group member, right-wing groups, antisocial forces, or other similar groups. The same applies to the below) or is involved in any interaction or involvement with anti-social forces, including cooperation or involvement in the maintenance, operation, or management of anti-social forces through funding or otherwise.
The applicant has been previously subjected to any of the measures stipulated in Article 16.
Two Companies deems the membership to be inappropriate.

Article 5. (Updating Registered Information)

Members shall promptly update their account information in the event of any changes to their registered account information.

Article 6 (Management of Account)

6.1. Members shall use and manage their Account with due care and shall not allow third parties to use the Account, or lend, transfer, alter the name, or sell the Account.

6.2. Two Companies shall not be liable for any unauthorized use of the Account by a third party. Members are responsible for payment of any Monthly Pass and PPV fees incurred due to the unauthorized use of their Account by a third party. However, this shall not apply when there are reasons attributable to the Two Companies.

Article 7. (Terms of Use)

7.1. Members shall, at their own expense and responsibility, procure devices, organize high-speed internet connection contract, install applications, and make any necessary preparation required to use the Monthly Pass or PPV. Members are also responsible for ensuring the required operating environment as specified separately by the Two Companies.

7.2. Some Content provided by the Services may not be available in certain countries or regions. Any geographical restrictions will be applied according to geographical location of the User when accessing the Service. Two Companies may use various technologies and methods to verify the location of the User.

Article 8. (Fees and Payment)

8.1. Members shall pay the Subscription fee for the Monthly Pass or the PPV viewing fee in accordance with the payment method specified separately by Two Companies.

8.2. The Subscription fee for Monthly Pass or PPV viewing fee will not be refunded after payment, unless otherwise stipulated in these Terms of Use.

8.3. The Two Companies reserves the right to change the pricing of any features provided in the Monthly Pass of the Service, to the extent that such changes are not excessively expensive. In such case, Two Companies will, in principle, notify the User at least 30 days prior to any such changes.

Article 9. (Automatic Renewal)

9.1. Unless otherwise cancelled, the Monthly Pass will be automatically renewed, and payment of the fixed monthly fee will be processed using the payment method specified by the User at the time of application for use.

9.2. In the case of automatic renewal, the Subscription fee payment will be processed (Universal time coordinated) on the date 30 days after the Subscription application date. Unless cancelled, the Subscription will thereafter be automatically renewed every 30 days and payments will be processed accordingly.

9.3. If the payment cannot be processed due to a customer credit or system error, the payment process will be repeated every day for 7 days according to Japan Standard Time. In such case, if payment processing is successful, the new Subscription contract will commence on that date of successful payment processing.

9.4. Monthly Pass purchased via third party apps (apps from Apple, Google, Amazon, Roku, or similar) will be billed according to the billing period specified by the said third party app.

Article 10. (Suspension of Service Provision)

10.1. Two Companies may suspend the provision of Monthly Pass or PPV, without prior notice to the User, in the case of any of the following:
1) Urgent system inspection or maintenance work related to this Service.
2) Natural disasters, power outages, fires, riots, or forces majeure which make it impossible to operate the Service.
3) Two Companies deems it necessary to suspend the Service.

10.2. Two Companies may suspend all or part of the system, with prior notice, on the NJPW WORLD website to perform periodic system maintenance.

10.3. Two Companies shall not be liable for any damages incurred by a Member due to the suspension of the distribution Monthly Pass or PPV for the reasons stated in the two preceding clauses, unless otherwise specifically stipulated in this Terms of Use.

Article 11 (Change of Contents)

The Content provided in the Monthly Pass or PPV may be changed anytime. Some Contents may be terminated without prior notice.

Article 12 (Ownership of Rights)

All copyrights, design rights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights related to the Service, Monthly Pass, or PPV belong to the Two Companies, or those who have granted licenses to the Two Companies. The Two Companies does not grant any rights to Members.

Article 13 (Prohibited Matters)

When using the Service, User shall not engage in any of the following acts or acts that Two Companies deems to fall under any of the following items:
1) Acts that violate laws and regulations.
2) Acts that offend public order and morals.
3) Making Contents available to unspecified persons or large numbers of persons.
4) Acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights, image rights, privacy rights, honor, or other rights or interests of Two Companies, other users of the Service, or other third parties
5) Acts that place an excessive load on the system of this Service.
6) Acts that may interfere with the operation of this Service.
7) Acts that illegally access or attempt to illegally access this Service.
8) Acts that collect information on other users of this Service.
9) Acts that cause any disadvantages, damages, or discomfort to the Two Companies, users of this Service, or other third parties.
Acts that directly or indirectly cause or facilitate any of the above acts or matters.
Any acts that the Two Companies deem inappropriate.

Article 14 (Cancellation of Monthly Pass)

14.1. Members may cancel Monthly Pass at any time according to the cancellation method stipulated separately by Two Companies. Please refer to the Support Center for information on how to cancel or terminate a Monthly Pass which have been subscribed to via third parties other than Two Companies (apps from Apple, Google, Amazon, Roku, or similar).

14.2. Cancellation shall take effect at the end of the Member's current subscription period, and the Member may continue to use the Monthly Pass until that date. In the event of cancellation during the subscription period, the Two Companies will not refund or reduce the fee for the remainder of the subscription period.

14.3. In the event where Member has any outstanding payments due or debts to the Two Companies upon cancellation, the entire outstanding amount or any remaining debts shall be accelerated and become immediately due and payable.

Article 15 (Account Deletion)

15.1. Member may delete or terminate their Account at any time according to the method stipulated separately by Two Companies.

15.2. Use an access to Monthly Pass or PPV viewing will be forfeited at the time of deletion of the Account.

15.3. Termination of Account does not cancel or terminate Monthly Pass Subscription. Members must follow the cancellation procedure according to their subscription method before deleting their account. Cancellation procedures cannot be conducted via the website after deletion of the Account which the Subscription or PPV is connected to. Refer to Support Center for details on subscription cancellation for each subscription method.

Article 16 (Monthly Pass or PPV Termination, Member Contract Termination)

Two Companies may immediately suspend or terminate the distribution or provision Monthly Pass or PPV to the Member, or terminate a membership Account in the case of any of the following:
1) Member fails to pay the Monthly Pass Subscription fee by the payment due date.
2) Member violates the Terms of Use.
3) Two Companies deems it inappropriate to continue providing Service to the Member for any reason, including being unable to contact the Member for an extended period of time.
4) The Member is deceased.

Article 17 (Termination of Service)

Two Companies may terminate all Subscriptions with Members and terminate provision of Monthly Pass or PPV content with given prior notice on the Services.

Article 18 (Prohibition of Assignment of Rights and Obligations)

18.1. Member may not assign, transfer, pledge as security, or otherwise dispose, in whole or part, their contractual status and obligations under the Terms of Use without the explicit prior written consent of Two Companies.

18.2. Member acknowledges and consents that Two Companies may sell, assign, or transfer all or part of the business connected to the Service to another entity. In such case, Two Companies may transfer the contractual status under the Terms of Use, rights and obligations under the Terms of Use, and any member registration information to the transferee in accordance with business transfer as described in this clause. The transfer of business as set forth in this clause shall include all cases whereby a corporate split or other transfer of business takes place.

Article 19 (Non-warranty and Disclaimer)

19.1. Two Companies assumes no guarantee that the Monthly Pass or PPV will be suitable for the Member's intended use; have the functions, characteristics, or usefulness expected by the Member; or that it will be free from any defects or malfunctions.

19.2. Two Companies shall not be liable to compensate for any damages incurred by Members due to Monthly Pass or PPV content changes, suspension or termination of Monthly Pass or PPV, deletion or loss of Member registration, inability of use, malfunction or damages incurred by Member’s equipment due to use of the Monthly Pass or PPV, or any other damages or losses incurred due to the use of Monthly Pass or PPV (“Damages”).

19.3. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article or any other disclaimer, in the event where Two Companies is liable to a Member for damages based on default or tort in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, Two Companies shall not be liable for Member damages exceeding the amount of the Monthly Pass subscription fee or PPV viewing fee paid by the Member to Two Companies in the past 3 months. Two Companies shall, in no event, be liable for any collateral, indirect, special, or future damages or losses, or any loss of profits.

19.4 Two Companies shall not be liable for any transactions, communications, or disputes between Members, or between Members and third parties in connection with the Service.

19.5 The provisions of the preceding three clauses shall not apply in the event of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Two Companies.

Article 20 (Handling of Account Information)

The handling of account information by the two companies is pursuant to the Privacy Policy, and the Member consents to the handling of account information by the Two Companies in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Article 21 (Governing Laws and Jurisdiction)

21.1. These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

21.2. The Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any disputes arising between the Two companies and Members regarding this app.

Amended on: September 9, 2023

NJPW WORLD Commercial Disclosure According to the Specified Commercial Transaction Act (Under Revision)

1. Legal Business Name

TV Asahi Corporation
New Japan Pro-Wrestling Co., Ltd.

2. Head of Operations

Yukiko Fujimoto, TV Asahi Corporation

3. Business Location

6-9-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-8001, Japan
Phone Number: +81 (0)3-6823-6290 (New Japan Pro-Wrestling Co., Ltd.)

4. Contact Details

Please click here for inquiries

5. Service Usage Fees

1) Monthly Pass
I. For payments from within Japan:
· Payments made with credit card, debit card, PayPal, docomo's d payment, au Kantan Settlement (au/UQ Mobile), Softbank Collective Payment, or Y!mobile Collective Payment: ¥1,298 JPY (tax included)
· Payments made via App Store, Google Play Store, or Amazon In-App Purchasing (IAP): ¥1,500 JPY (tax included)

II. For payments from outside of Japan:
· Payments made with credit card, debit card or PayPal: $9.99 USD
· Payments made via App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon In-App Purchasing (IAP), or Roku Pay: $9.99 USD to be charged in the local currency of the user as per the current exchange rate. Pricing will vary according to the exchange rate.

2) Pay-Per-View (PPV) Product
Pricing varies per pay-per view product (“PPV”). Pricing for each product is listed separately.
*“PPV” payments cannot be made through App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon In-App Purchasing or Roku Pay.

6. Additional Fees

The user will bear any costs associated with equipment required for streaming or using the Service, internet connection fees, network packet communication fees, telecommunication charges for telecommunication lines, and any other costs related to the Service.

7. Payment Methods

Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, JCB, American Express, Diners), some debit cards, PayPal, DOCOMO-payment, au Kantan Settlement (au / UQ mobile), Softbank Collective Payment, Y Mobile Collective Payment, App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon In-App Purchasing, and Roku Pay.

8. Billing Period

1) Monthly Pass
Fees will be billed every 30 calendar days from the date corresponding to the commencement of the Service subscription (including the date of subscription). Monthly unlimited viewing plans purchased via third party apps (e.g., Apple, Google, Amazon, Roku) will be billed according to the billing period specified by the said third party app.
2) Pay-Per-View (PPV)
Billed at the time of purchase.

9. Payment Period

As per the payment period specified by each payment method.

10. Period of Service Provision

The Service will be available immediately after completion of the subscription procedure. Please note that some products or content may have a specified or limited viewing period or expiration date. In such case, viewing will only be available during the specified viewing period or time limitation.

11. Recommended Viewing

Click here for details on the recommended viewing environment.

12. Returns and Cancellations

Returns and cancellations are not available due to the nature of the services provided.

Enacted on: November 9, 2023